Saturday, December 15, 2012

Blast from the past

This was posted on our old blog. I thought it was funny so would share again.

July 12, 2011

Good thing this wasn't the first
Today was the day of our home social worker visit. This is our fourth home study. You could totally tell. Let me recap the day for you -

* Jake has been sick for two days, fever and all. That makes him super helpful in preparing for our home visit.

* Our neighbor was having her driveway sealed this AM and the guys said they could add us on to their schedule this AM as well if we would like. It was a good deal and our driveway looks pretty bad. So we decided to take them up on their offer. That means Jake's trunk and boat were parked in the front yard all day. We are totally adding a little class to the neighborhood. The guys were sealing the driveway during our home study visit.

* About an hour before the scheduled visit we noticed that the kitchen sink was backing up....then the tub...and the overflow in the basement.... Lovely. So sewage about 8 inches deep in the tub, kitchen sink/washer overflow all over the laundry room, toilet (luckily clean water) backed up on the bathroom floor and in the kitchen sink. We put a quick call into MSD (Louisville sewer people) to come and check the lines. They showed up during our home study visit.

* The MSD guy said it was our problem, not theirs. Shocked. So we called the plumber who showed up about 30 minutes later for the low low price of $100/minute. Maybe not that much but it seemed close to it.

* Jake had to step out multiple times to talk to the guys sealing the driveway, the sewer people, the plumber and oh yeah, the social worker.

* We normally put the dogs in the back yard during these visits since they love to lick and stand super close to anyone who they think may pet them. We didn't put them in the back yard this time since it was 114 degrees today. We thought that could make us look like bad we shoved them in the basement.

If this was my first home study, or maybe even the second, I would have NEVER signed up for a last minute sealing of the driveway. Or let the social worker show up to our truck and boat in the front yard. I would have canceled the meeting as soon as I saw sewage in the bathtub! Or when we found out Jake was sick. Not this time. Come on in Ms. Social Worker to our lovely home! Please don't walk on the driveway and step over the boat hitch (which she did) and please disregard the men working outside, inside and the smell of sewage. I wasn't even a little concerned about her coming during all of this. My how things have changed.

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