Friday, November 30, 2012


I have had a few people ask me questions about the fundraiser. I had questions too when I first started. It seems strange, donate $20 and get $50?? How does that work? Seems fishy or too good to be true?

Here is a summary of how this works:

1) Click the link on the right side of this blog. It will direct you to our CoupAide fundraising page.

2) Click on the "Buy One" button and move through the payment steps.

3) Following the payment a $50 e-certificate will be emailed to you. This certificate is for is a website that has partnered with CoupAide to help families who are adopting. is similar to Groupon for restaurants. 18,000 restaurants participate nationwide and over 60 Louisville. The restaurants are locally owned and use to increase business by offering great deals. The format is very similar to and allows a locally owned restaurant to reach new people. That is why the deals are so good!

4) Go to to find local restaurants that are participating.

5) Select the restaurant you like, plug in your e-certificate code and a new, gift certificate for that restaurant will be emailed to you immediately!!

The $50 e-certificate can be split between more than one restaurant - ex. $25 to Shogun and $25 to the Woodford Room.

You could give the initial $50 e-certificate as a gift and allow the other person to select their own specific restaurant.

I am sorry for any confusion you may have had. It does seem odd and confusing when you first see it but PLEASE ask questions if you need to! We have set a goal of selling 300 coupons!!

We hope that people purchase one, use it, love it and come back for another one! This fundraiser will be ongoing so feel free to check back anytime to purchase a second or third :) Also, please pass our blog along to others who may want to support a good cause and grab a bite to eat at a local restaurant!! We have flyers available if you would like one to share with friends, family or co-workers.

Thank you for your support. We love and appreciate you all!

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