Thursday, November 29, 2012


The secret is out! We are adopting from China!

We nearly signed with our China agency in Jan 2012 but received a phone call from our Rwanda power of attorney that we were about to be matched. Not just matched with one child but that there was still a chance to be matched with two children. We obviously decided that we should wait on China for Rwanda. Fast forward a few months after we were matched in Rwanda and we decide to move forward with an adoption from China. Rwanda had not fallen apart but appeared to be lingering on...forever.

We signed with our wonderful agency CCAI. They are highly regarded in the Chinese adoption community and appeared to be a good fit for us. They are absolutely wonderful. Although we have had multiple previous home studies (5 I think) we had to start over. Again. We are pros at this now. We whipped out that home study, gathered all of our documents and shipped our dossier off to Washington DC for all the lovely stamps and seals. Easy, right? Not so fast. FedEx LOST our dossier. Gone. Vanished. Zip.Zero. Nothing. SOOO we had to gather our entire dossier again. That took a month. Then back to DC for all the pretty stamps and to the to China! We were logged in with the Chinese government adoption authority on Oct 22, 2012. That is our LID. That stands for log in date. That is the magic date that allows our agency to match us with children.

Yep. Children. We are hoping to adopt two children. We don't know if that will happen but we are still hopeful.

More on the details later! I just figured I should get the blog up and running.


  1. Yaay so exited for you guys and i can't wait to read and find out more! Love you both :)
