Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Duncan #3 AND #4!!

The last two months have been crazy! I will write another post later about the twists and turns that came our way but now for the good stuff!!

Introducing Colin Jacob!!

Isn't he just precious?!

Introducing Cora Grace!!

Isn't she just precious too?!

Just a little about them.....

We received Colin's referral 5/31 and Cora's referral 6/5. We have since received approval from China to adopt them both! We were blindsided by Cora's referral but that is a story for another day. They both are from Henan province (same as Ayla and Isaac). Colin is 21 months and Cora is 18 months. We hope to travel in 9-11 weeks but there are many steps left to complete that could impact our travel date. We were able to travel a little quicker for Ayla and Isaac but we will run into a holiday this time that could push things back a week or two.

We are SO excited but it's starting to set in how much work we have to do!

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