We are packing up RIGHT NOW to head home. We will be leaving the hotel at 5:45am tomorrow/Wednesday (5:45 pm Tuesday at home) to head for the airport. We will head to Beijing, 5 hour layover, to Detroit and then HOME. Our flights have stayed the same so we should be in Louisville shortly after 11pm Wednesday night after 30 hours of traveling. I am sure we will look beautiful and well rested :) but we will be happy to be home and see our friends and family. Everyone is welcome at the airport. We will also have our "Welcome Home" party June 29th from 11am-2pm (I will double check the time but that sounds right). I will post more details when we get home but I think they are in a post below. Once again, everyone is welcome to come meet the babies. It will be open house style to drop in for a few minutes or stay a while and enjoy the park.
Everyone posts a lovely long post about what will happen once we are home and how that impacts our family and friends. I am not sure I have it in me right now to write a long post but here is the short version. These babies are wonderful and we deeply appreciate that everyone wants to meet them, snuggle them and shower them with love. This will have to happen in doses and when they are ready. Everyone is welcome at the airport and the welcome home party but we will have to lay low for a while. Children that are born by birth have so many opportunities to learn who mom and dad are, what they do and that their needs will be met by mom and dad (vs strangers or random people). Children that are adopted need time to learn this too. Adoption has it's beginning in loss. Loss of a biological family, caregivers, foster family, culture, language....this is a huge transition and we all have to respect that it will take time. For now we will need to be the only people to hold them, feed them, comfort them when they cry and meet any need that they have. This will help them learn that we are going to take care of them, love them and meet every need they have. We would appreciate it if you would help us to help them learn this. We also will not have visitors are our home for now. This will help them to establish that it is their home, that we live there and other people do not/will not. We hope to be out for short visits in the near future but really don't know how much at this time. We will be sure to keep everyone informed of how they are doing and when we will be able to have more visitors. Taking this time now to help them understand that we are a family, that we are permanent and that we will meet their needs is critical for our family to bond as a unit.
We are so excited to be home and can't wait for everyone to meet the newest members of our family!!
Happy travels! You are almost home right now as I am reading this! You all are a blessing to one another!!