Thursday, May 23, 2013

What happens next?

We received our travel approval yesterday (but feels like a week ago) and have been busy making plans. Today we received our US Consulate appointment. This appointment is at the US Embassy in Guangzhou and will include medicals, interviews and then the children will be issued visas to enter the US.

What else will we be doing? We will leave on a Friday, arrive in Beijing on Saturday, fly to Zhengzhou Henan on Sunday and Family Day will be Monday! Following family day we will complete official adoption paperwork, visit Anyang and Xuchang, gather passports and some other meetings. We will then travel to Guangzhou for the second portion of our trip that will be centered around the US Embassy appointment. After that....we are headed HOME!

The trip will be approximately 21 days in length. We originally thought our trip would be be 18 days but there is a holiday in the middle that will increase the length by a few days. That is a "delay" we can totally handle!

We are so excited, overwhelmed and still in a little shock that this is actually going to happen! All these years we have been preparing for nothing. Gathering documents, paying money, investing EVERYTHING into adoptions that didn't end in actual adoptions. This is new territory for us and we will be leaving for China is such a short amount of time.

We are so excited and hope to blog while we are gone. More details to come!


  1. So, so happy for your family!!! Can't wait to follow your journey and see you become parents!!

  2. Yes! I'm so thrilled for you all!! It's happening...for real...and SO very soon.
