So what have we been doing in all of our down time over the past 2 weeks....
We filed for our Chinese visas, mailed the applications, passports and money the the Chinese Embassy in DC. We received our visas back today.
We turned in our FMLA paperwork.
Filled prescriptions for travel medication.
Made a packing list (kinda).
Purchased some items for travel (converts, backpack, gifts to give while in China)
Cleaned out the playroom and nursery (translation - took all the stuff out that has been stacking up for months)
Painted the playroom shelf.
Built, painted, installed playroom book shelf.
Put up baby gates (mainly to keep the dogs out of the playroom).
Put the nursery dresser together.
Washed and sorted all the baby clothes.
Painted the shed.
Built the gate for the deck.
Made appointments for the littles for when we are home.
Put kid games on the tablet.
That is all I can think of right now.

This is the playroom pre-yardsale.

This is what it looked like Friday after we FINALLY emptied and cleaned it.

Kyle was kind enough to build us this shelf for the playroom. We sanded, primed and painted it over the course of what felt like 4 weeks. It may have just been a matter of hours but I can't be sure.

Jake also built book shelves for the playroom. Started with 1x4's, a little trim and some white paint. We are working on a budget here people.

I think that they look AWESOME! Great deal for around $30 I think. I have been buying books for years for our children. Most are the $5 Kohl's Cares for Kids books. I love them.

The foam floor looks great too! $10 at a yard sale a couple of years ago. Great deal!

The amazing toy shelf!! I really think it turned out great. I dug out a few boxes of toys I bought a couple of adoptions ago. Leslie and I hit up a few kids consignment sales and they have been stored away ever since.
The playroom isn't done yet. I have one more super awesome project. I am so happy with what we have been able to do in the playroom and not break the bank. Yard sales, consignment sales and a little skilled labor. I LOVE it.
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